On a monthly basis, you should be looking at your business as a whole, to understand how things are going and get a feel for the bigger picture.
“At the end of the month, you want to make sure you’ve got all of your expenses in, and then look at your sales, your expenses, your income, and your cash position as a whole. You also want to make sure to look at any key areas of the business that you're interested in,”.
This review is a good time to keep an eye on trends you’re seeing from month to month, and think about how you’ll handle the upcoming month from a financial perspective. You can also pay special attention to any new projects, campaigns, or operational changes, to see if you’re noticing it impacting your sales, your expenses, or both.
Understanding and tracking your business’ financials is an essential part of owning a business. That’s why bookkeeping is something that you either have to learn or outsource when you’re running a business.